Develop (and test) a dockerized, PostgreSQL backed, ASP.NET Core microservice in less than an hour

These days a .NET developer can create, test and deploy powerful software without breaking sweat. Writing a scalable, easily deployable performant ASP.NET Core microservice is easier than ever. The cool thing about using Docker is run automated tests against that soon-to-be-written service in an environment that was quickly created and immediately disposed once the testing … Continue reading Develop (and test) a dockerized, PostgreSQL backed, ASP.NET Core microservice in less than an hour

What to do when Visual Studio 2017 debugger won’t attach to Docker

We've been developing .NET Core micro-services for a few months. Obviously we've decided to use Docker for Windows for deployment. Don't get me wrong I still find the experience amazing: Write code, and immediately debug your code running on Docker, it got to a point I no longer think about this amazing integration - write … Continue reading What to do when Visual Studio 2017 debugger won’t attach to Docker